International Scientific Cultural and Political Editions



Under the name of SCIENTIFIC, CULTURAL AND POLITICAL EDITIONS, you will find the title of the published Books and Brochures that contain the texts, articles, and speeches of J. Posadas relating to a desired theme.

These documents deal essentially with political international or local issues. Some relate to the world struggle to take society towards socialism. Others deal with the construction of the world workers and revolutionary movement. Such documents are not only for revolutionary militants, but for anybody who seeks human progress.

J. Posadas bases his analyses on Marxism, Culture and the History of Human Civilization. He values all the forms of Art, all the discoveries of Science, the social relations, the construction of communist relations within the family, the Party and social life. He links the human relations with nature and the Universe.

The books in the Scientific, Cultural and Political Editions are mainly in French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Some titles also exist in German, Greek, Persian, and Arabic.

Revolutionary State In Europe
From the third world war to the end of capitalism
On the necessity for a new International
The Revolutionary States
The Revolutionary State and Transition to Socialism
The Living Thought of Trotsky
The Role of the USSR Vol.2
The Role of the USSR Vol.1
The role of the Soviet Union at this stage in History
On China Vol.2
On China Vol.1
Poland Vol.2
Poland Vol.1
War, Peace and the Function of the Socialist Countries, Vol 2
War, Peace and the Function of the Socialist Countries, Vol 1
Following the Overthrow of the Shah
The permanent process of the revolution in Iran
Socialism and human relationships with nature and the cosmos
On the Stalin Question
What is a Soviet
The Marxist Conception of Learning and Teaching
On the Six-day War
Nuclear energy, war and socialism
The tasks for the left in the Labour Party
Latin America : the growth of the revolutionary process and the collapse of all dictatorships
The Function of the Trade Unions
The european common market and the function of the communist parties
Afghanistan and the discussion for the progress of history
On Nicaragua
The triumph of humanity in Vietnam
The world balance of forces and the triumph of Mugabe in Zimbawe
The music of Beethoven, human relations and socialism
The role of the plays of Aristophanes in the progress of humanity
Art and Socialism
Theatre and Socialism
The Children, The Family and Socialism
The Role of Cinema in History
The Historic Function of Music and Song
Guerras y Revoluciones en Oriente Medio
Los Estados Revolucionarios