The tasks for the left in the Labour Party

A selection of texts 1974-1980
The tasks for the Left in the Labour Party
15 September 1974
The significance of the electoral victory of the Labour Party
13 October 1974
The crisis of British capitalism, the Soviet Union and the left in the Labour Party
9 July 1977
The progress of Britain is united to the struggle for Socialism
13 November 1977
Brish imperialism and the need for Marxism in the Labour Party
30 March 1978
The process of the formation of British imperialism and the struggle for Socialism
31 March 1978
The world process, the development of the International and the tasks in Britain
5 April 1978
The relationship with animals and Socialism
6 April 1978
The historic significance of the British Museum
7 April 1978
Greenwich and the role of science in human development
4 May 1978
The European Parliament
3 December 1978
The aim of the European Monetary System, EMS, and the European Parliament
3 December 1978
On the capitalist system
18 March 1979
The fascist provocations and the assassination of a Left militant (Blair Peach)
24 April 1979
The process in Britain, Stalinism and the organisation of the Left in the Labour Party
26 April 1979
The world crisis of capitalism and the British Labour Left
2 May 1979
The fall of Callaghan and the perspective for a Socialist Republic in Britain
7 May 1979
Conference on the world process of the deepening crisis of capitalism
23 December 1979
The continuous process of the anti-capitalist struggle and its development in Britain
27 December 1979
Introduction to the 1980 Edition
17 July 1980